The Road Ahead is about to get real bumpy and it may even be full of giant sink holes so hold onto your hats folks this ride is just beginning!! There is so much happening in the world today it’s not easy to keep up with it all but here is a small bit of what I am seeing and reading about and much of it unfortunately is not good.
The recent decisions by the SCOTUS have turned many issues back over to the states. Although I agree with most of what they have done and I think it is all constitutionally valid, this will no doubt, exasperate the movement of citizens who are fleeing blue states (IMHO) as the leftist governors of said states will continue to push anti freedom measures and beat their heads against the Constitution itself!
Let’s face it. The dims, (pun intended) seem to hate real freedom and they hate the constraints the US Constitution puts on government. They would strip every one of their rights (at least everyone who does not agree with them) if they could get away with it and create a tyrannical government (O’Biden Regime) that dictates everything you can and cannot do (except abortion of course).
These delusional maniacs like this governor of New York and many others of her ilk will destroy the economies of their own states and run out virtually every business that can make a profit there along with all the people they hate day in and day out. Or in other words, the ones who refuse to comply with their draconian mandates be it vaccines, guns or wokeness BS like using the correct pronouns.
The only thing left in these states like New York, California, Washington and several others would be a few woke businesses who will no longer be profitable and the government apparatus, along with a slew of drug addicts, homeless people and trans, lgbtq123+, stark raving mad feminists, etc…
I think we are headed for an inevitable show down of Woke Blue States and Freedom Loving Red States. We know who will win eventually as we will have God, Guns, and the ability to make a profit on our side which will easily kick their butts when all is said and done. Yet it will be a violent clash of cultures until the smoke clears and we have seen what they (Antifa-BLM) are willing to do when they do not get their way as in riots after the George Floyd situation. As more and more people flee the woke politics of child grooming, mandated vaccines for babies, and abortion on demand, this will become a real battle of Red VS Blue states.
How many cities will burn, and people will die in the upcoming civil war between Red and Blue? Who knows, but that war is coming.
Unfortunately, I think it is inevitable!
Keep in mind all the while this is going on, the so called (elites) in the WEF, WHO and other organizations, are still out there pushing a dangerous vaccine (that isn’t safe or effective) that is altering your DNA and editing your genome. This shot is killing and maiming millions of people around the world! The media and almost all governments are on board with this mass genocide as they have swallowed the blue pill and want to depopulate the planet to save the world from climate change and the depletion of resources. But that’s not all! Even as we speak so called scientists are experimenting with new viruses and bioweapons in labs funded by our own tax money and guided by the Pentagon, CIA, NIH etc. At the same time others are working on (AI) Artificial Intelligence, and implanting chips and nano devices into humans creating a trans-human race of people that they can control. There may even be some of this technology in the mNRA shots they are trying to force everyone on the planet to take!!!
Like I said at the top of this piece, the road ahead is bumpy, even dangerous. Many people have taken it upon themselves to move out of the cities, especially the blue ones, but some folks like myself have found places far away in remote areas so that when all hell breaks loose or as some folks like to say (the sh!t hits the fan), they will not be right in the epicenter of the trouble and will have time to prepare if anything or anyone hostile comes their way. With that in mind, let me ask you this, are you ready for the next few years ahead? What will you do if this supply chain shortage comes to your city or town? If you woke up tomorrow and the local news guy told you that the grocery stores only had what was left on their shelves today and could get no more food for a few months due to the shortage of diesel fuel would you be prepared? They say that when that happens the stores will empty out quickly and then the real riots will begin! Hungry people will fight and kill for food to feed themselves and their families. How much do you have in your pantry? Are you prepared to supply your family through an extended food shortage? Did you know that there have been nearly 100 food processing plants attacked or destroyed in America? Is the news you consume telling you about it? Something to think about!
Finally, much of this stuff would have been labeled as conspiracy theory a few years ago but we are seeing this all play out before our very eyes today. Where will it all end? Only God knows. In the end we all must make choices about how to protect our families and survive the day to day. There is much to prepare for, so I hope you are awake to that now.
By the way, If you are not a believer, it is time to open your mind and your heart to Christ. Take a moment or two and speak to God. Ask Jesus to listen and he will be there. Ask him to forgive you and he will. Ask him to be your Lord and Savior and he will accept you with open arms! Where do you want to spend eternity?
When this all goes south and it will, and the ax or anvil falls on you, you want to make sure your eternity is set in the right direction.